
My name is Sándor Sáfár.

Allow me to tell you in a few sentences how the world of KIRRDA was born!

Sometime in the late 90's I read Carl Sagan's - Contact; a book that presented a completely new approach to contact with distant aliens.

Carl Sagan was a brilliant scientist, with a wealth of knowledge. He created a new genre, taking advantage of the then growing worldwide use of television. He created the science programme genre. He attracted millions of viewers who might otherwise never have shown any interest in the world of science. But he was not only a great scientist, he also proved to be a great lecturer. He soon became an icon and his name merged with the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

Over the years he made several documentaries and appeared in many other sience programmes. He even helped NASA produce the information gold disc sent by the PIONER space probes beyond the solar system.

It was thanks to him that I became interested in sciences. I watched all his shows and read all his books that I could find in the difficult situation of my childhood.

That's how I came across his book, Contact, in the local library. After reading it, I immediately thought how interesting it would be to turn this very imaginative story around. To flip the locations and put on paper a the first contact from the aliens' point of view.

But I was not a writer. Even at school I hated all subjects and I thought it was a waste of time to study them, including literature and grammar. There were only two things that interested me in my school studies: astronomy and reading.

Of course, as much as I loved them, they were not enough to ensure my academic achievements and, later, my livelihood. And they were certainly not enough to enable me to become a writer.

So I talked myself out of the idea, and for more than 25 years it never crossed my mind.

But in the summer of 2019, during a seemingly endless wait, I was very bored. I didn't have a book or a newspaper nearby, and I'd used up my monthly allowance on my mobile phone's internet. I was tormented by inactivity and then I remembered that story I had dreamed up a long time ago. I took out my phone and opened the notes app and typed in a word: KIRRDA.

Finally, after 9 months, in the spring of 2020, I was able to get my hands on my dream.

I typed the whole book on my phone and edited the text on it, if you could call it editing. But I had no other option. I couldn't afford professional help and I didn't have a computer. Of course, the final result was not flawless. Very not. In any case, I was happy to receive the author's copy of KIRRDA, with all its errors.

So that's how it started...

I am now writing my 4th book, which is part 6 in terms of story. Yes, the 6th! Because more people have joined me and are building the Kirrda stories with me.

I am confident that, however amateur we are as writers, however limited our possibilities, we can create a 'world' that will survive us...

Our books that have been published so far can only be read in Hungarian, but with your support they will soon be available in several languages.

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